the operating system for gamES

The Alpha is
Just the Beginning

Playtron extracts the gaming ecosystem from Windows and leaves everything else behind

PLaytron os

A simple OS that does nothing but Gaming. PlaytronOS™ extracts the gaming ecosystem from Windows and leaves everything else behind


A World Apart from Other Systems




Only Steam supported out of the box

Monolithic OS built for productivity software not games

Natively supports many different game stores out of the box

Only supports Steam Deck

Not optimized for mass-market consumer gaming

Supports many different handheld devices and PCs

Designed for an optimal gaming experience

A Software Console


PLaytron os

PlaytronOS Alpha 2 update supports NVIDIA Turing GPUs, dual-GPU systems, and Fedora 41, with features like cloud saves, mouse/keyboard input, and basic avatar system. It's tailored for devices like AYANEO 2, ASUS ROG Ally, Lenovo Legion Go, and Steam Deck, with battery life doubled and over 100 bugs fixed. However, issues persist including Steam Deck LCD compatibility, account linking, and various hardware control issues like touchscreen support and sleep mode functionality.

Install guide

How to Install

To install PlaytronOS, you’ll first need to prepare an external drive by flashing the installer image onto it. Once the drive is ready, insert it into your target device and boot from it to complete the installation process.


Flash your download

  • Download Balena Etcher at
  • Launch Balena Etcher
  • Click on Flash from file and select the PlaytronOS installer or image you downloaded
  • Click Select Target and choose the external drive where you want to flash the installer.
  • Click on Flash!
  • Drive considerations: For the best results, we recommend using an external NVMe drive. SD Cards and USB drives are also supported on most platforms. They can be sufficient for the installer but we don’t recommend them for running a PlaytronOS image.

Disable Secure Boot

Windows only

Select your device manufacturer from the list below and follow the instructions to boot into the BIOS.

  • Boot into the BIOS using: Volume Down and Power buttons (Repeatedly tap the volume button until the BIOS appears)
  • Go to Advanced Mode
  • Go to Security
  • Go to Secure Boot
  • Set Secure Boot Control to Disabled
  • Go to Save & Exit
  • Press Save Changes and Exit
  • Boot into the BIOS using: Volume Up, Left Shoulder, and Power buttons
  • Go to Security
  • Go to Secure Boot
  • Set Secure Boot to Disabled
  • Go to Save & Exit
  • Press Save
  • Boot into the BIOS using: Volume Up and Power buttons
  • Go to More Settings
  • Go to Security
  • Set Secure Boot to Disabled
  • Go to Exit
  • Press Exit Saving Changes

Boot PlaytronOS Installer

Start the device and access the boot menu by using button combination. These may be slightly different than the keys used to access the BIOS directly.

  • Valve Steam Deck: Volume Down and Power buttons
  • ASUS: Volume Up and Power buttons (repeatedly tap the volume button until the BIOS appears)
  • AYANEO: Volume Up, Left Shoulder, and Power buttons
  • Lenovo: Volume Up and Power buttons
  • GPD Win: Fn and F7 buttons

Boot PlaytronOS

With PlaytronOS Installer, boot directly into PlaytronOS. Otherwise follow these additional steps:

  • Select Install PlaytronOS.
  • Once in the installer menu, select the drive you want to install PlaytronOS on.
  • Once the install is complete, you will be prompted to reboot.
Playtron OS

Need Help?

PLaytron os

I have a bug to report


I have a feature request


is on Github

Join our GitHub community to contribute, collaborate, and innovate. Help shape the future of gaming technology with us.


Box 64

x86 to Arm translation layer for Linux.


View on Github


Messaging interface for Gamescope.


View on Github


Automatic mounting of external drives.

BSD 2-Clause License

View on Github


Compositing window manager.


View on Github


Input routing and control.


View on Github


Linux kernel optimized for gaming.


View on Github


Game Mode graphical session.


View on Github


PlaytronOS is an operating system providing a software console experience.


View on Github


Rust library to manage GOG games.


View on Github

We aim to support our packages on all versions of Fedora that are still actively maintained, where possible. Most of our packages are hosted on Fedora Copr. Unique packages we provide include:

  • gamescope-session
  • gamescope-session-playtron
  • mesa (latest stable)
  • python3-edl
  • udev-media-automount


Why should I install PlaytronOS?

PlaytronOS is an optimized Linux-based gaming operating system that allows you to play all of your favorite games from Epic Games Store,, Steam, and more.

Are there any Playtron devices coming out?

Yes. Many different devices with varying form factors, features, and price points will be coming out in 2025. One of the first devices will be the SuiPlayOX1.

When will the first Playtron device be launched?

We are aiming for the first half of 2025.

What operating system is PlaytronOS based on?

We are based on the Fedora Silverblue family of Atomic Desktop distros. PlaytronOS is not affiliated with the Fedora Project.

What version of Fedora is PlaytronOS based on?

The Alpha 1 release is based on Fedora 40.

Which devices has PlaytronOS been tested on?

  • AYANEO 2
  • ASUS ROG Ally
  • GPD Win 4 (2023)
  • Lenovo Legion Go
  • Valve Steam Deck LCD
  • Valve Steam Deck OLED

What are the system requirements for PlaytronOS?

We provide best-effort support on a wide range of devices. The minimum requirements are listed here:

  • CPU
    • x86
      • AMD Ryzen / Intel 6th Gen Kaby Lake or newer
  • GPU (single GPU only)
    • AMD Navi or newer

Does Playtron run Linux games?

Currently, PlaytronOS only runs Windows games using Wine. Native Linux games will be supported in the future.

Is Playtron a hardware company?

No. We are a software company working closely with hardware OEMs.

Where is Playtron located?

Playtron is a registered company in California but employees are working remotely all across the globe.

What games will run on Playtron?

While thousands of games are already compatible with PlaytronOS in its alpha 1 stage, our official game support program is currently under development.

What are the advantages of PlaytronOS over other operating systems?

  • Unified out-of-the-box experience for installing and playing games from the Epic Games Store,, and Steam.
  • More features to be announced.

Does the Alpha 1 release of PlaytronOS include Arm support?

No. Only AMD and Intel x86 CPU architectures will be support.

How will Playtron deal with anti-cheat on Linux?

Playtron is working with interested partners to enable anti-cheat services.

Is PlaytronOS open source?

At first, only the operating system code will be open source. We have plans to open source more and release API documentation to allow developers in the community to contribute and build their solutions using Playtron.

How will I be able to contribute to Playtron?

Check out our GitHub.

How can I get in touch with Playtron?

For now, you can follow us over at @PLAYTR0N on X and visit our website,, for more updates. You can also join the Discord community here: